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Author Maggie and Nigel Percy,

Foreword by Patrick MacManaway

This inspiring new book will take you through the background and basics of pendulums: first discover the history and methodology of using pendulums, how they are used today, why it works, and how to choose your pendulum. Then get started: ‘programme’ your pendulum, focus on your intent and energy, prepare your space and understand the potential questions and movements that your pendulum will make. Pendulums will then delve further into how to use pendulums in the different spheres of everyday life: career, life and household decisions; relationship questions and desires; rebalancing and cleansing the seven chakras; working on your diet and energy for health; dowsing in the psychic, energy and spiritual dimensions; as well as fortune telling and looking to the future.

Pub Date: 2021 Format: Hardback with color illus. Pages: 128 pp.

Pendulums: For Guidance & Healing

SKU: 6913600183171
305,00 krPris
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